America America is a country located to the west of the earth globe. America is the third largest country in the world with over 329.5 million people over the last years! The school system in America is different from other countries for example in america you need to buy food (some schools) and you usually go to school by bus. In America the school systems are a bit different from other schools around the world, for example: 1st graders are around 5 - 6 years old when they start kindergarten. Whilst in high school they are about 14 years old. Famous people In America there are a lot of famous people here are some you might know or heard the name of: The Rock, Andrew Garfield, Ryan Reynolds, Will Smith and Kevin hart. There are of course more famous people than that but that was just an example. Jobs The most common jobs in America are: Cashiers, Waiters/waitresses and food preparation workers. Some more uncommon jobs like actor and self business owners, which earns more money than others.